Implementation overview

How to Make Text Responsive with Fluid Typography on Your Webflow Website

Making text responsive with fluid typography is essential for ensuring your website’s content is easily readable across all devices and screen sizes. Fluid typography adjusts the size of your text based on the screen dimensions, providing an optimal reading experience whether users are on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

How to do it on Webflow?

Use rem units for your font sizes combined with media queries to adjust the base font size according to the screen size. Rem units are relative to the root element, allowing text to scale proportionally across different devices.

You can use F’insweet Fluid responsive tool


✅ Using font-size: 1.5rem; for headings and 1rem for body text. Adjust the root element's font size with media queries to ensure device readability.

This approach ensures consistent and proportional text scaling, enhancing readability on any screen size.


❌ Using fixed pixel values like font size: 24px for headings without adjusting for different screen sizes.

This can result in text that is too large on small screens or too small on large screens, leading to a poor reading experience and reduced accessibility.

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